Delivery Diaries: The Podcast
Delivery Diaries: The Podcast
Introducing Delivery Diaries: The Podcast With Hosts Brandy Breth & Flo Speakman
Meet moms, film producers, businesswomen - and now podcasters -
Brandy Breth and Flo Speakman. Each week they'll be having conversations with guests open to sharing their prenatal, birth, and postpartum experiences. From surrogacy, IVF, home births, cesareans, and miscarriages to even those big mesh hospital underwear, you'll be hearing touching and amazing stories that not everyone talks about. We're excited to listen, learn and be open and curious.
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[00:00:00] Flo Speakman: Hi Brandy.
Brandy Breth: Hi Flo. We did it at the same time. Yes. This is why you and I are here.
Flo Speakman: Mm-hmm
Brandy Breth: Our first podcast the Delivery Diaries. Oh, you say you go ahead and introduce it. You you actually come up with the name yeah.
Flo Speakman: It's Delivery Diaries: The Podcast.
Brandy Breth: The podcast.
Flo Speakman: It's very exciting. It's very, very exciting.
Brandy Breth: It is exciting. Thank you.
Flo Speakman: Excited to be here. I'm glad. I mean, after you know what, a year, year and a half of talking about this at this point.
Brandy Breth: I know. Yeah, longer than carrying a baby.
Flo Speakman: Longer than carrying a baby. This is like elephant pregnancy, right? Like 18 or 24 months or whatever it is.
Brandy Breth: I learned something new. Now our listeners are learning something new.
Flo Speakman: Something like that.
Brandy Breth: Yes. Eventually, you know, the next stages of Delivery Diaries will go to animals. but yes. Um, so thanks for, uh, listening. Thanks for tuning in. So I have to admit Flo is we'll just introduce ourselves cause Flo is the podcast master. My name is Brandy Breth and I am a cohost of Delivery Diaries: The Podcast. And here we have.
Flo Speakman: I'm Flo Speakman. I'm also a co-host of Delivery Diaries: The Podcast. And I am a podcast consumer.
Brandy Breth: Yes.
Flo Speakman: So this is the first time. I mean, it's not the first time I've been on a podcast. It is the first time I have been co-host of a podcast. I'm very excited to be here.
Brandy Breth: Yes, me too. Thanks for having, the time putting in the time and just being a yes to being a part of this podcast. Cause it is something special that's a part of Delivery Diaries and of course everyone that's listening and we're also, on YouTube. So I guess it's a video. video podcast.
Flo Speakman: The video of us talking to each other.
Brandy Breth: Yes. You could tune into that too. we'll give that information out as well. Um, yeah, this is an opportunity to extend, Delivery Diaries, company, we're here to, um, what are we here to do?
Flo Speakman: We're here. You're so funny. We're here to talk about the journey to family and, and the different ways that people get family or create families.
Brandy Breth: Create families. Yes.
Flo Speakman: And, Delivery Diaries because delivering a baby. A lot of times is how a family has started. Even if it, you know, even if it's not the person who is the parent that delivered the baby.
Brandy Breth: Well, yeah, that's what we're gonna encompass because and obviously let's just go straight into the heart of it. The heart of the matter is the storytelling. And that's what drew you to, partnering with me on this,
Flo Speakman: Absolutely
Brandy Breth: journey because, I'll share my, you know, my delivery diary, in another podcast and you'll share yours in another, episode.
But really it started from my experience of obviously being pregnant with my first child. So I have two kids. one is six and the other just turned two. And, um, how it's really, this journey started with Delivery Diaries is there were, about four, there were four of us friends. Mama friends now we were friends in LA single. We got married and then had kids in the same year, time span. We all had boys. One was an adoption within the delivery room. She was there in, in the delivery of her son and the other was a home birth. Was a home birth or a birthing center and, hospital. And, um, two of us were hospitals. [00:03:00]
One was NICU, uh, early delivery too. So it was just a lot of different experiences that we were, sharing with each other and learning from each other. And it really got me to be like, wow, your story, your story, my story, how come I didn't hear about this? No one told me about this. And I only had one girlfriend that told me about the hospital, you know, diapers and underwear.
it's like that one girlfriend I needed to just really share these experiences of preparing for delivery. So Delivery Diaires, we are here to share prenatal delivery and postpartum experiences. That's really the, the heart of it too and within sharing that it's through our stories. so that's how I got started in this journey. Of course I knew Flo from other, projects we worked on and I'll let you share it, but in another lifetime, in a future lifetime you would be a doula. You can be a doula in this life, you know so.
Flo Speakman: That, that is so, so my experience of getting pregnant and giving birth, and again, we'll cover the whole, all of the details of it, is it's pretty, it was pretty spectacular.
And I had a doula who worked with us through the last few months of the pregnancy. And I thought after, you know, after going through the way that I went through it, I thought I really wanna bring this to, I would really love to. If money was no object, be a midwife, a doula, something to help women through this because, and one of the things, one of the reasons why I said to you, when you told me what you were doing, I really wanted to be a part of it is, is because we've lost our village in a lot of ways.
And so these are, you know, childbirth, delivery, child raising family creation really was part of what, when we were lived in villages, more than in, in urban centers. The older women passed down to the younger women. there were midwives, there were women involved in every aspect of, of mm-hmm of this kind of thing.
And we've lost a lot of that. Yeah. And just in, at least in urban environments, we've lost a lot of that and you see some of it being reclaimed in, in a 21st century way like this. Right. Like, we can sit here and talk about the diapers in the hospital, you know, and certain things that you didn't expect, like, having to deal with breastfeeding or postpartum depression, or, just the things that we all go through or some of, not all of us, but things that are common.
Brandy Breth: Mm-hmm , but common, but aren't talked about.
Flo Speakman: Aren't talked about.
Brandy Breth: Or stigmatized.
Flo Speakman: I didn't know how common miscarriages were until I had. right. Mm-hmm And so, you know, when you start talking about it and when you start talking to other women about it and learn that, you know, their experiences, you're like, why wasn't this talked about in, in the health class. But, but just, you know,
Brandy Breth: Yeah, yeah. Early on, Early on.It's our bodies, where was it's our life. it's our.
Flo Speakman:Where was all this information?
Brandy Breth: I know.
Flo Speakman: And I think for me, if, coming out of Delivery Diaries, if one woman has a better experience because of what I went through, because of what you went through and, because of what other people in our, um, who are gonna be on the podcast of mm-hmm because of what they went through. If one person is touched, it'll be worth it.
Brandy Breth: Oh, oh my God.
Flo Speakman: Because it's just, you know, it's just, that's the, it's the nature of it. And, and we're in, the 21st century where families are created any which way.
Brandy Breth: Yes! And that is gonna be exciting to learn about.
Flo Speakman: It's so fun.
Brandy Breth: So I say, I say on this, especially in this podcast, so, and, once the, once we launch Delivery Diaires actually launches coincide with the podcast, you'll see on the website, I actually did sit down interviews pre-pandemic in 2019, and we'll do follow ups with those moms on a podcast.
But, um, oh my God, where was I going at? This is mommy brain in real time. um, that is when I learned like, oh, I started doing mommy notes, my mommy notes on my iPhone. [00:07:00] Mm-hmm oh, C-section I had a C-section oh, NICU baby. You know? or experiences, home birth, and then as I started talking about Delivery Diaries and started paying more attention in news segments, or just like around, or, and celebrities are more open now, moms about their pregnancy experiences or postpartum.
It's like, I didn't know about that. Oh, I didn't hear about that. Let me put that on the list and let me put that on the guest list of future people to interview mm-hmm .so I'm really excited about that. What are some people or some guests or, people that have experiences that you're looking forward to having on the podcast I am or interviewing.
Flo Speakman: Honestly, really looking forward to talking to people who, who make their families in unique ways, right? Like, trans man becoming pregnant or, the way that, that, I had some friends who were lesbian couples, how they ended up deciding who was gonna be the sperm donor and how all that stuff mm-hmm, just sort of, or even, friends who've who single single moms who've adopted. Because they wanted to [00:08:00] be a mother, but didn't necessarily wanna be partnered mm-hmm right. Or, people that go through IVF. To me, that's fascinating. It's like science, colliding with our basic, drive to procreate.
Brandy Breth: Yeah.
Flo Speakman: You know, it's, it's just all of it. All of it is so fascinating.
Brandy Breth: It's all of it. And Delivery Diaries includes and for those listening, it's, it's, we're including everything. Everyone in all of it, because how, however you deliver a baby, come on, you know, or share your stories on social media and with us because, there is no one way there is no right way.
And I do not make myself or say that I'm an expert. I'm an expert at delivering a baby. That is what I do know for sure. but the podcast is not, we're not experts Flo and I in other people's experiences. We may have actual experts come on, like OB/GYNS and doctors and doulas and other people of certain professions, but they're gonna be sharing their delivery [00:09:00] diaries too. Ah ha. Not just talking to us, but talking with us in a conversation and sharing their stories.
Flo Speakman: And we're not here to give medical advice or any of that.
Brandy Breth: There's enough. There's great podcasts for that, which I'm happy to share that I've listened to. We're not here to give advice. We're here to, like you said, experience the stories and to, to really understand, how families everybody's journey to family is different.
Yeah. And I think once we hear people's stories, then we create more empathy. And when there's more empathy, there's more love and compassion and understanding in the world.
Let's start with that and in the world, maybe it can also just sneak into legislation too. I'm just gonna keep it real. Okay. People who know me.
Flo Speakman: Body autonomy and reproductive rights are really important right now.
Brandy Breth: It is it is.
Flo Speakman: As we're coming up on this midterm election and, Handmaid's tales just releasing. I, I don't know if they just released or released soon.
Brandy Breth: I saw something soon and I only watched three episodes of the first season. I couldn't take it so, but that was years ago. yeah. just so the listeners have a, you know, understanding when I first, started, Delivery Diaries, it was like, you know, do I wanna. Is it political non-political yada, yada, it's like, I wanna include everyone, conservative people deliver. I'm obviously not conservative. People that know me. I'm very liberal, progressive. and, I didn't wanna exclude that was the biggest thing about Delivery Diaries I don't wanna exclude, I wanna be inclusive.
However, cause it is my company it's a function of Delivery Diaries is a function of my self-expression mm-hmm and, um, I wouldn't be true to myself and I wouldn't be authentic if I did not have my own voice within Delivery Diaries.
Flo Speakman: Absolutely.
Brandy Breth: And so, yes, you'll hear my opinions on matters and you know, that I really feel strong about and I'm not here to exclude, you know, people that are trying to create a family, because we will never talk about politics or anything else on certain episodes. [00:11:00]
But, we'll see on the site and you'll see on other things that we'll soon be sharing with Delivery Diaries is how to have access to healthy pregnancy right. Or postpartum support, especially I experienced postpartum depression after my first child. So, I just wanna be straight up with, you guys, the listeners and the viewers because it's important that you know where I'm coming from and where Flo's coming from.
Mm-hmm and I we're gonna be having guests host too. Which I'm excited because this is really a community. It's the village. It's the, village's the village. I've had moms be like, oh my gosh, I, I wanna be on it. Okay. Well, why don't you host an episode. Mm-hmm cause that's my background as, okay. So my background, I'm an independent film producer and so it's only a natural correlate that I have conversations and interview people and tell stories.
And so I have producer friends that do this for a living or like, you know, yourself too in the business. Flo where you can share what you, your background is, but I have you don't, I don't want you to be [00:12:00] a guest you're my friend. I want you to host something. So tell me when you wanna host, we're gonna share the love and we're gonna spread the time as moms.
Flo Speakman: Absolutely.
Brandy Breth: Cuz it's like, I gotta keep it straight. Like my, my husband is out with the kids right now. I have quiet time. um, they're gonna, and, the Delivery Diaries is seasonal. We chose to make a seasonal so we can have a break cause I don't wanna be burnt out. Keeping it real. Flo has taught me a lot and the reality is of hosting a podcast.
Flo Speakman: So, uh, you were, you know, I'm a little bit closer to center than Brandy mm-hmm in the world of, of politics, but we share, but we do share the, um, The political leaning of like body autonomy is important. And, and we will talk about it during the podcast occasionally because, you know, that's, it is, it is part of the journey to family and for some people, yeah. Is, is this kind of experience. And, um, so, I don't know. I mean, what's next? What are we, what are we talking about [00:13:00] next?
Brandy Breth: Uh, I have, oh, three lines of my show notes. Yeah, your background. I was.
Flo Speakman: My background. Okay. So, um, my, my current mythology about myself is that I'm a recovering film producer and what that means,
Brandy Breth: A recovering film. I love it.
Flo Speakman: What that means is for many, many, many years, I was in the entertainment industry in all facets, producing, managing, I was operations manager at a film and television studio for a long time. And then I went into corporate education for a little while. And now I'm, um, I'm a chief operations officer for a small IT company and CRM consultancy, which is amazing and wonderful in his own right. And allows me the depth and breadth mm-hmm to be able to do this kind of work, that I love with Brandy and, and so I'm excited. I'm excited to get Delivery Diaries launched and into the world and find out, what's next for, for the D and D for DD. So.
Brandy Breth: Yeah, I mean, I think that sums it up really good. What do you think?
Flo Speakman: I think so.
Brandy Breth: We'll have all the information you need to get onto your, uh, to listen into, uh, this podcast, wherever you listen to any of your podcast outlets anything else cause you're the podcast guru.
Flo Speakman: Just thank you. And we're um, we're excited to have you here. We're excited to have you listen. We're happy to take any feedback. Mm-hmm we'd love. Listen, as long as you're not mean um, cause if you're mean we're just gonna, we're just not gonna pay attention to you.
Brandy Breth: Yeah our mottos as moms is we got no time for that. We got no time more time.
Flo Speakman: No time constructive criticism.
Brandy Breth: We, I know like it's enough to be with the kids and feed the kids and keep 'em alive. I ain't.
Flo Speakman: Don't, don't have time for, mean people.
Brandy Breth: What I do wanna put in before we go is that, when we keep talking about Delivery Diaries, I'm always, cause I don't have anything in front of me. I don't have a mission statement in front of me right now, but it's just like the, again, going to the heart of the matter is through storytelling it's um, we want you to be able to hear our stories, other people's stories so that you feel like you're not alone in the world. So you feel like you're not alone.
Flo Speakman: That's right
Brandy Breth: in your journey.
Flo Speakman: What was that? What was, was. What was the thing that I wrote down.
Brandy Breth: It could be on the website, but I don't wanna lose my page. I don't wanna touch the computer cause it's glitchy.
Flo Speakman: No.
Brandy Breth: This is why it's an introduction. We'll get our act together.
Flo Speakman: I know to provide. To pro to provide, okay, here we go to provide information and education through storytelling so that all families will be included in the family making journey. And NO ONE feels alone.
Brandy Breth: Ah, yes.
Flo Speakman: That's what we came up with.
Brandy Breth: Okay. And with that said.
Flo Speakman: I think it needs maybe a little refinement, but it's a good start.
Brandy Breth: It's a good start. And it's a good start. So I mean, everyone listening, this is a good start. We just really wanted to get our feet off the ground. And that's it.
Flo Speakman: Yay.
Brandy Breth: Okay. Thanks for listening.
Flo Speakman: Okay.
Brandy Breth: Stay tuned. Bye.